Some characterizations of a mapping defined by interval-valued Choquet integrals

  • 발행 : 2007.03.01


Note that Choquet integral is a generalized concept of Lebesgue integral, because two definitions of Choquet integral and Lebesgue integral are equal if a fuzzy measure is a classical measure. In this paper, we consider interval-valued Choquet integrals with respect to fuzzy measures(see [4,5,6,7]). Using these Choquet integrals, we define a mappings on the classes of Choquet integrable functions and give an example of a mapping defined by interval-valued Choquet integrals. And we will investigate some relations between m-convex mappings ${\phi}$ on the class of Choquet integrable functions and m-convex mappings $T_{\phi}$, defined by the class of closed set-valued Choquet integrals with respect to fuzzy measures.



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