The purpose of the study was to introduce the fish fauna and distribution in the Shinpo district, North Korea. Sampling was carried out in October 1997, July 1998, May and October 2002, in sites located in the upstream, middle and down of the southern river of Bukcheong and three brackish lakes of Hommanpo, Daein and Hyunkum, respectively. A total of 29 species belonging to 11 families were found. Family Cyprinidae showed the prosperity in species number, comprising 28% among total species found. No natural monument fishes or rare fishes were captured. Ten commercial species, five anadromous ones and five brackish ones were identified. Feeding guilds was identified as 11 carnivores, 2 herbivores and 7 omnivores. Twenty species belonging to 7 families inhabited in the river, 18 species of 6 families in Lake Homanpo, 21 of 7 in Lake Hyunkum and 23 of 8 in Lake Daein, respectively. Ecological indices of richness, diversity and evenness were highest in Lake Daein and the dominace index was highest in Lake Hyunkum.
1997년도 가을 (10월), 1998년도 여름 (1월), 2002년도의 봄 (5월)과 가을 (10월)의 4회에 걸쳐 함경남도 신포특구내 북청 남대천 수계, 현금호, 대인호 및 호만포호에서 어류상을 조사한 결과 총 11과 29종의 어류가 확인되었으며 이중 잉어과가 약 28%를 차지하였다. 천연기념물 및 희귀어류는 확인되지 않았으며 상업용도의 어류가 10종, 소하성어류가 5종, 기수역어류가 5종으로 나타났다. 식성에 있어서는 육식성어종이 11종, 초식성어종이 2종, 잡식성어종이 7종이었다. 지점별로는 남대천이 7과 20종, 현금호가 7과 21종, 대인호가 8과 23종, 호만포호가 6과 18종으로 나타났다. 종의 풍부도와 다양도 및 균등도는 대인호가 가장 높았으며 종의 우점도는 현금호가 가장 높게 나타났다.