Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 1
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- Pages.62-71
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- 2007
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
Comparison of Sleep Pattern, Factors of Sleep Disturbance and Sleep Enhancement Behaviors between Sleep Disturbance and Non-Sleep Disturbance Aged Patients
수면장애 노인 환자와 일반 노인 환자의 수면양상, 수면장애요인 및 수면증진행위
- Han, Suk-Jung (Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University) ;
- Lee, Eun-Young (The Graduate School of Health Science & Social Welfare, Sahmyook Untversity) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Mi (Department of Clinical Nursing, The Graduate School of Industry, University of Ulsan) ;
- Park, Sun-Nam (Seoul Women's College of Nursing)
- Published : 2007.02.28
Purpose: This study was done to compare sleep patterns, factors of sleep disturbance and sleep enhancement behaviors between sleep disturbance and non-sleep disturbance elderly patients. Method: The participants were 117 patients over 65 years old who were hospitalized at 5 general hospitals in Seoul. There were 83 patients in the good sleeper group and 34 in the poor sleeper group. The survey questionnaires included questions on general characteristics, sleep patterns, sleep disturbing factors, and sleep enhancement behaviors of the patients. Results: For sleep patterns and environmental factors of sleep disturbance, the poor sleepers was significantly higher than that of the good sleepers. Significant differences between good sleepers and poor sleepers were also found on the following variables: Environmental factors of sleep disturbance -'Sound of other patient's or care-giver's', 'Discomfort of bed, linen, pillow and patient's gown', 'Light in the room', 'Emergency situations', 'Temperature of patients rooms too hot or too cold'. The significant physical factor of sleep disturbance was 'Hard to breath even without moving' and for sleep enhancement behaviors: 'Use of ear plugs or eye covers' Conclusion: Consequently it is necessary to develop positive and differentiated programs for sleep enhancement for the inactive and poor sleeper among the elderly patients.