Amounts and Food Sources of Nutrients of Elementary School Lunch Menus by the Type of Foodservice and the Percent Energy from Fat

초등학교 급식의 유형(도시형/농촌형)및 식단의 지방 에너지 비율에 따른 주요 영양소의 공급량 및 급원식품 평가

  • Published : 2007.02.28


This study was conducted to assess macro- and micronutrient compositions in school lunch menus based on the 'Dietary Guideline' for School Lunches. Ninety-five dieticians in elementary school in Chungbuk were asked to complete a questionnaire on characteristics of the school lunch program(such as type of foodservice, food production system), the information about dietitians(such as age, education, and job history), and the extent of the use of processed foods and frozen foods. Dey were asked to return the questionnaire with the menus including the name and the quantity of every food ingredient offered during a week. A total of 554 lunch menus provided for a week of June 2004 were analyzed. Average nutrient content per meal was as follows; 660kcal, energy; 92.9g, carbohydrate; 26.7g, protein; 21.1g, fat; 287 ${\mu}gRE$, vitamin A: 0.5mg, thiamin; 0.5mg, riboflavin; 29.3mg, vitamin C: 338.2mg, calcium; 3.9mg, iron; and 97mg, cholesterol. Average percentages of energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat was 56.2%, 16.2%, and 29.0%, respectively. The mean nutrient content per meal was higher in rural-type than in urban-type schools. The weekly menu of 40% of the schools provided <55% of energy from carbohydrate, and 39% of the schools offered lunch that provided ${\geq}30%$ of energy from fat. The micronutrient content was generally high when the percent energy from fat was less than 25%. Our results showed that only 52.6% of the schools provided lunches with the energy composition as in the 'Dietary Guideline' of School Lunches. Whole Milk was the major contributor to fat, saturated fatty acid and cholesterol. We suggest that school foodservices start to provide low fat milk instead of whole milk to reduce fat, saturated fatty acid and cholesterol. If low fat milk is served instead of whole milk, percentage of energy from fat and saturated fat can be reduced from 29% to 25%, and ken 10.2% to 9.1%, respectively, and cholesterol could be reduced from 97mg to 79mg. Efforts to meet 'Dietary Guideline' for School Lunches should be made, especially to reduce fat intake, while maintaining essential nutrient intake at sufficient levels for childen.



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