The Analysis of the Dietary Factors Related to Climacteric Symptoms in Middle-aged Women

중년 여성의 식사섭취 상태와 갱년기 증상 관련 요인 분석

  • Kim, Soon-Kyung (Department of Food science and Nutrition, Soonchunhyang University) ;
  • SunWoo, Jae-Gun (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soochunhyang University)
  • 김순경 (순천향대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 선우재근 (순천향대학교 의과대학 산부인과교실)
  • Published : 2007.02.28


The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary intakes in middle-aged women(pre and postmenopausal) and relation to climacteric symptoms. We conducted the anthropometric measurements, climacteric symptoms survey, and dietary intake to assess the nutrient intakes. Also, dietary quality indices were evaluated. The subjects, over 40 years old, were 168 middle aged women(pre=74, postmenopausal=94), mean age was $48.9{\pm}3.6yr$. The anthropometric measurements showed that 59% of subjects were overweight and obese. Climacteric symptoms that were answered 'yes' in 50% plus in the subjects, were dry eyes, forgetfulness, difficult concentration, large joint pain(shoulder), fatique, backache, dry skin, joint pain(ankle and knee), dry mouth, dizziness, depression and lonesomeness, snore, morning stiffness, and hot flash. Some symptoms showed significant difference between pre and postmenopausal groups. The average energy intake was 1602.1 Kcal, which was 82% of the Korean EER. The subjects had lower vitamin A, riboflavin, folic acid, Fe, Zn and Ca intake than Korean RI. The lowest nutrient intake was Ca. The mean of food intake was 1294.2 g and MAR of diet quality indices was 0.83. In relation to dietary factors with climacteric symptoms, significant correlations have been found between total protein, animal protein, lipid, cholesterol and niacin intake and 'fatique', energy, carbohydrate, thiamin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin C, Na, K and Fe intake and 'dry skin', Ca intake and 'difficult concentration'. Our results indicate that dietary factors(food and nutrients intake, INQ, NAR, MAR) may effect the prevention and reduction of some climacteric symptoms in middle aged women.



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