View-oriented and Green Marketing Characteristics of Apartment Advertisements on Newspapers

신문 아파트광고에 나타난 조망지향성과 그린마케팅의 속성

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun (Dept. of Landscape & Urban Design, Woosuk University) ;
  • Kim, Ok-Kyung (Dept. of Art and Design, Graduated School of Kyunghee University)
  • 노재현 (우석대학교 조경도시디자인학과) ;
  • 김옥경 (경희대학교 대학원 환경조경디자인학과)
  • Published : 2007.02.28


This study analyzed the key words in Korea's leading apartment brands and newspaper advertisements to examine especially their view-oriented advertising characteristics and green marketing properties. Four study topics were established and examined for this purpose. The following are the results; 1. The key words on apartment brands and catch phrases are $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$ words, such as taste, pride, and happiness, and $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ to appeal to customers with beautiful views of the nature. Also key words on newspaper advertisement headlines stress views for $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics as well as $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for elegance and luxury, and $\ulcorner$function-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for the future. Views, nature and park are key words and everything about illustration that are especially emphasized even on the headlines of newspaper advertisements. 2. Unlike brands or headlines, sub-headlines and body copies stress $\ulcorner$modern-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for life, culture, and accessibility, followed by $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics. Key words on caption were also highly $\ulcorner$modern-oriented$\lrcorner$, followed by $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$function-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for practical aspects. 3. In result of $X^2-test$, $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ key words that convey good views, naturalism, parks, and nature are the major representation of green marketing strategies of apartment brands and newspaper advertisements. However, brands were strongly $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$, whereas captions were $\ulcorner$modern-oriented$\lrcorner$ and body copies were $\ulcorner$investment-oriented$\lrcorner$. Both apartment brands and advertisements were consistently $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$, but were not consistent in other factors. 4. Different parts of newspaper advertisements are focusing on green marketing strategies in terms of environmental protection, but are actually leaning toward modern-oriented lifestyles and accessibility. Thus, it is more well-being marketing rather than green marketing. To pursue true green marketing despite the limits of newspaper advertisements, it is necessary to present products and pricing strategies that represent sustainable.



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