통방 융합서비스를 위한 망구조 및 단계별 발전 전망

  • 발행 : 2007.03.05




  1. Multimedia Research Group, Inc., "IMS and SDPs in IPTV Networks" ,MSG, Aug. 2006
  2. Cisco Syatems, Inc., "Cisco Wireline Video/IPTV Solution Design and Implementation Guide, Release 1.1" , 2006
  3. 양선희, "IPTV 망구조 진화방안 및 중장기 로드맵", IPTV 표준기술워크숍 프로시딩, 2006.11
  4. ISMA, ''planning the Future of IPTV with ISMA" , White paper, 2006
  5. 이광기, "IPTV 단말 및 응용 서비스 기술", HSN 2007 프로시딩, 2007.2
  6. Saisree Subramanian, "IMS Enabled IPTV" , White Paper, 2006
  7. Chuck Bailey, "IPTV Standardization in ATIS" , GSC11/Joint; 5.1,2006
  8. ATIS, "IPTV Architecture Requirements" ,ATIS-0800002, 2006.
  9. ATIS, "IPTV DRM Interoperability Requirements" ,ATIS-0800001, 2006
  10. ATIS, "IPTV Architecture Roadmap" , ATIS-0800003, 2006
  11. FG IPTV, "IPTV Service Requirements ," Working Document FG IPTV-C-0260, 2007
  12. NGN-GSI, 'Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-FRA" , lTU-T Document, 2006
  13. FG IPTV, "IPTV Architecture," Working Document, 2007
  14. Sunhee Yang et aI, "Proposal on the three stage roadmap of IPTV standardization" , Contribution of FG-IPTV, 2006.10