Laccase를 이용한 Chlorophene 산화전이에 관한 연구

Laccase-Catalyzed Transformation of Chlorophene

  • 김종오 (동남보건대학 환경보건과) ;
  • 김영진 (동남보건대학 환경보건과)
  • Kim, Jong-Oh (Department of Environmental Health, Dongnam Health College) ;
  • Kim, Young-Jin (Department of Environmental Health, Dongnam Health College)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


Laccase catalyzes the oxidation and polymerization of aromatic compounds in the presence of molecular oxygen. The oxidative transformation of chlorophene with laccase was conducted in a closed, temperature controlled system. The optimal pH for transformation of chlorophene was proven to be about 5-6. As the temperature rose up to $55^{\circ}C$, the transformation of chlorophene increased. The chlorophene transformation was not enhanced in the presence of soluble polymers. The toxicity of the reaction mixture was increased two times than that of initial reaction mixture after the enzymatic treatment. ABTS has enhanced chlorophene transformation at 0.1 mM and showed negative linear relationship with residual chlorophene by the reaction.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Denim Decolorization Using Laccase vol.37, pp.3, 2013,