Discrimination of Insulation Defects in a Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) by use of a Neural Network Based on a Chaos Analysis of Partial Discharge (CAPD)

  • 발행 : 2007.03.01


In this work, experimental investigation is carried out in order to design and fabricate the UHF sensor that is able to detect the partial discharges produced from 10 artificial defects introduced into the real scale 70kV GIS mock-up under high voltage within a well shielded room. As well, in order to verify the on-site applicability of our method, the newly proposed CAPD (chaos analysis of partial discharge) is combined with spectral analysis for identifying the nature of 10 artificial defects under investigation. The PD pattern recognition of each defect has been fulfilled by applying our ANN software. The result indicates that the recognition rate reaches up to 80% by the newly proposed method while the traditional PRPD analysis method allows us to obtain 41%. In consequence, it can be pointed out that the proposed method seems likely to be applicable to the real GIS at the site.



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