정현적으로 착자된 영구자석을 갖는 마그네틱 위치센서 설계

Design of Rotary Magnetic Position Sensor with Sinusoidally Magnetized Permanent Magnet

  • 정승호 (한양대 전자전기제어계측공학과) ;
  • 류세현 (전자부품연구원) ;
  • 권병일 (한양대 전자전기제어계측공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.01


This paper proposes a rotary magnetic position sensor which has a sinusoidally magnetized permanent magnet with a small number of poles. To make the sinusoidal magnetic flux density distribution from the permanent magnet, a magnetizing future is optimized by the DOE(Design of Experiments) method. The magnetization process is analyzed using the Preisach model and 2 dimensional finite element method. The magnetic flux density distribution from the magnetized permanent magnet is very similar to ideal sine wave. The simulation result of the magnetic flux density distribution is compared with the experimental one. Also the availability of the proposed rotary type magnetic position sensor is confirmed by position calculation technique.



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