화전과 화전민은 일제의 강한 규제와 정리 계획, 해방 이후 토지개혁에도 불구하고 1970년대까지 지속적으로 증가했다. 본 논문에서는 강고하게 존재했던 화전과 화전민이 1974-1979년의 화전정리사업으로 완전히 사라지게 된 필요 충분조건을 살펴보고자 했으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일제시대 이후 지속적으로 증가하던 농촌 인구와 최하층의 농가수가 1967년경을 정점으로 감소하면서 화전과 화전민 발생의 근본 원인이었던 토지에 대한 인구의 압력이 약화되었다(사회적 필요조건). 둘째, 1960년대 중반부터 본격화된 경제개발계획으로 1974년의 국민총생산과 정부예산이 1960년의 25배 수준이 되어 화전정리사업에 충분한 투자가 가능해졌다(경제적 충분조건). 셋째, 항공사진을 이용한 산림자원조사 기술의 발전과 도로 시설의 확대로 화전민의 은닉성이 제거되어 재모경(再冒耕)을 철저히 감시할 수 있게 되었다(기술적 충분조건).
Illegal slash-and-bum fields and slash-and-bum farmers in Korea had increased in spite of Japanese Joseon Government's strong regulations and clearance measures, and land reform after the 1945 Liberation of Korea until 1970s. This study is to inquire into the necessary and sufficient conditions to disappear entirely the matters from 1974 to 1979 that illegal slash-and-bum fields and slash-and-burn farmers continued long in existence until the early 1970s. The findings are as follows; Firstly, the population pressure to agricultural lands that main factor of generation of illegal slash-and-bum fields had decreased rapidly because the rural populations and less income farmers have decreased after 1967. Especially, the decrease of the rural populations had never seen to the 1970s. It is recognised that the social condition for the success in 1970s. Secondly, the continuous economic growth from the early 1960s enabled the Korean government to solve the matter through the sufficient financial investment from the Government. For example, the gross national product (GNP) and the government budget in 1974 increased around 25 times after 1960. It is recognised that the economic condition for the success in 1970s. Finally, it was enabled to remove the concealment from the slash-and-bum farmers and to monitor illegal re-cultivation thoroughly because the development of forest inventory technique using an aerial photograph and the expansion of road facilities. It is recognised that the technical condition for the success in the 1970s.