우리나라 돼지콜레라 항체 수준 측정을 위한 표본감사의 통계학적 기준 설정

Establishment of a statistically reliable sampling method and size for serological surveillance of classical swine fever (CSF) in Korea

  • 심사 : 2007.03.14
  • 발행 : 2007.03.30


To establish a statistically reliable sampling strategy for serological surveillance of classical swinefever (CSF) in Korea, antibody test data from CSF surveillance conducted during year 2005 were analyzed.The most appropriate sampling method was determined to be stratified multi-stage random sampling strategy,in which the primary sampling unit is a pig farm and the secondary are the pigs by the strata of breedersand finishers in the selected farm. The optimum sample size was 5 to 19 including 1 to 2 breeders accordingto the number of pigs in the farm. The optimum sampling strategy demonstrated in this study was veryFindings of our study provide practical guidelines for surveillance of herd immunity level to CSF in Korea.



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