내수면 어로어업의 동향과 재편과제에 관한 연구

A Study on the Reorganization of the Management System in Korean Inland Fisheries

  • 투고 : 2006.11.09
  • 심사 : 2007.01.24
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


This study analyses the management and utilization of Korean inland fisheries and suggests directions for reorganizing the fisheries in order to achieve qualitative growth. Inland fisheries developing into a unique fishery according to various aquatic systems in different areas have played various roles such as the efficient use of aquatic resources, development of local areas and economy vitalization in under-developed local areas. However, recently Korean inland fisheries are facing a lot of difficulties due to the circumstantial changes surrounding the fisheries. Even though it is difficult to expect the external expansion of the Korean inland fisheries, we could expect qualitative internal growth by achieving the sustainable management and aquatic ecosystem health. Therefore, this study suggests the followings in order to achieve the qualitative growth of the Korean inland fisheries : first, construction of integrated management system according the aquatic systems ; second, organization of fishermen's interest groups such as cooperatives or associations in order to increase the competitive advantage and spread voluntary fisheries management ; third, boosting stock enhancement through systematic stock assessment and stocking ; fourth, expansion and activation of administrative system and research organizations.



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