그물베도라치 Dictyosoma burgeri의 생식주기

Reproductive Cycle of Ribbed Gunnel Dictyosoma burgeri

  • 진영석 (제주대학교 해양과환경연구소) ;
  • 한재일 (제주대학교 해양과환경연구소) ;
  • 박창범 ;
  • 이치훈 (제주대학교 해양과환경연구소) ;
  • 김병호 ((재)제주하이테크산업진흥원) ;
  • 백혜자 (부경대학교 자원생물학과) ;
  • 김형배 (강원도립대학 해양생물자원개발과) ;
  • 이영돈 (제주대학교 해양과환경연구소)
  • Jin, Young Seok (Marine and Environmental Research Institute, Cheju National University) ;
  • Han, Jae Il (Marine and Environmental Research Institute, Cheju National University) ;
  • Park, Chang Beom (Institute for East China Sea Research Nagasaki University) ;
  • Lee, Chi Hoon (Marine and Environmental Research Institute, Cheju National University) ;
  • Kim, Byung Ho (Jeju Hi-Tech Industry Development Institute) ;
  • Baek, Hea Ja (Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyung Bae (Department of Marine Bio-resources, Gangwon Provincial University) ;
  • Lee, Young-Don (Marine and Environmental Research Institute, Cheju National University)
  • 투고 : 2007.01.10
  • 심사 : 2007.03.13
  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


제주연안에 서식하는 그물베도라치 Dictyosoma burgeri의 생식주기를 조사하기위해 2001년 11월부터 2003년 2월까지 월별 채집하였다. 그물베도라치의 난소는 낭상형이었고, 정소는 lobule type이었다. 암컷의 GSI는 11월에 증가하기 시작하여 12~2월에 높은 값을 유지하였고, 수컷의 GSI는 비록 2월에 감소하였지만 암컷의 변화와 유사하였다. 그물베도라치의 생식주기는 암컷의 경우, 성장기(10~11월), 성숙기(11~2월), 산란기(1~2월), 퇴행 및 회복기 (3~9월)이었고, 수컷은 분열증식기 (8~11월), 성장기 (11~1월), 성숙 및 방정기 (11~2월), 퇴행 및 회복기(1~9월)이었다. 그물베도라치가 산란에 참가할 수 있는 생물학적 최소형은 15.0 cm 이상으로 조사되었고, 포란수는 약 2,146~6,475 범위로 조사되었다. 전장과 포란수의 관계식은 $F=0.4057TL^{3.1425}$ ($R^2=0.7621$), 체중과 포란수의 관계식은 $F=149.88BW^{0.9579}$ ($R^2=0.7982$)로 산출되었다. 그물베도라치의 포란수는 전장과 체중이 증가할수록 포란수가 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 생식소의 조직학적 관찰 결과, 그물베도라치의 주 산란시기는 저수온($13{\pm}0.3^{\circ}C$) 시기인 1~2월로 추정된다.

The morphology of gonad and reproductive cycle of ribbed gunnel (Dictyosoma burgeri) were investigated on the basis of histological observation. The specimens were monthly sampled in the coastal waters of Jeju from November 2001 to February 2003. The ovaries and testis of this species are categorized as cystovarian and lobule type, respectively. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of female increased in November and maintained high values from December to February. The GSI of male was similar to that of female although it was decreased in February. The reproductive cycle can be grouped into the following successive stage in the ovary: growth (October to November), mature (November to February), spawning (January to February), and degenerating and recovery (March to September). And in the testis, the stage observed were: multiplication (August to November), growth (November to January), mature and spawning (November to February), and degenerating and recovery (January to September). The minimum maturation size of D. burgeri was over 15.0 cm and fecundity ranged from 2,194 to 6,581 eggs. The relationship between the fecundity and fish body was calculated in the fecundity (F) equation as: $F=0.4057TL^{3.1425}$ ($R^2=0.7621$) for total length (TL); $F=149.88BW^{0.9579}$ ($R^2=0.7982$) for body weight (BW), respectively. The fecundity was correlated positively with TL and BW. The histological observations of the gonads suggested that major spawning of this species probably occurs between January to February, when low water temperature ($13{\pm}0.3^{\circ}C$) period.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : NURI 사업단


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