A Study of a New Meaning of Currere from a Perspective of the Value of Play in Educational Activities

교육활동의 놀이적 가치 분석을 통한 교육과정의 새로운 의미 탐색

  • Received : 2007.03.05
  • Accepted : 2007.04.18
  • Published : 2007.04.30


This study attempts to explore the possibility of finding a new meaning of currere through an analysis of the value of play in educational activities. It does three different kinds of works for the purpose. First, it tried to clarify the value of play by analyzing the texts written by Kant, Gadamer, and Huizinga, who had approached a play from philosophical and esthetical perspectives. Second, it analyzed curricular theories established by such scholars as Tyler, Peters, and Dewey in order to clarify the meaning of educational values presupposed by those curricular theories. Third, it examined a possibility of finding a new meaning of currere by emphasizing the value of play in educational activities.Through the study, a researcher finds that the value of play lies in the fun the player experienced while playing and that educational value can be defined in the form of the value of play in an educational setting. If the value of play in education is paid enough attention, currere can carry a new meaning. Currere meant traditionally a course horses should follow, which represents a very conservative view of education whereas currere can now mean a trace in which students are learning for the sake of having a fun. Students are encouraged to study for the sake of having a fun.



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