오존 및 입상활성탄 도입시 후염소 주입량 저감효과 분석

Reduced Post-Chlorine Dosage Required for Disinfection: Improvement with Ozonation and GAC Process

  • 투고 : 2007.05.03
  • 심사 : 2007.08.07
  • 발행 : 2007.08.15


This study was carried out to examine effect of post-chlorine dosage reduction by ozonation and GAC process in the field plant for 3years in the "G" water purification plant in Seoul. And it is to compare GAC with BAC process in removal effects of TOC, THMs, THMFP, $UV_{254}$. As a result, chlorine dosage of ozonation and GAC(=BAC) is less demand than GAC. Seasonal reduction of chlorine demand is from about 37% to 59% with BAC, and from 24 to 46% with GAC. Higher reduction in BAC could be achieved. The efficiency of chlorine demand reduction with ozonation was depending on the organic carbon removal. $UV_{254}$ concentration is less about 0.13~0.74L/mg.m in BAC than GAC. Therefore, the combination of ozonation and GAC was more effective in reducing post-chlorine than the single GAC. TOC was also monitored, and results show that a linear relationship between TOC and chlorine demand is appropriate under each treatment process. It means that removal of organic matter(TOC) from finished water is necessary to reduce post-chlorine dosage in clear well and to minimize order of chlorine in distribution systems.



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