사용단계에서 주기적 서비스 팩 배포와 불확실한 패치 배포를 고려한 소프트웨어의 최적 출시시기

Optimal Release Time for Software Considering Distribution of Periodic Service Packs and Uncertain Patches during Operational Phase

  • 박일광 (울산대학교 산업정보경영공학부) ;
  • 공명복 (울산대학교 산업정보경영공학부)
  • Park, Il Gwang (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Kong, Myung Bock (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Ulsan)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


In this paper, we deal with an optimal software-release problem of determining the time to stop testing and release the software system to the user. The optimal release time problem is considered from maintenance like the periodic distribution of service packs and the unpredictable distribution of patches after the release. Moreover, the environment of software error-detection during operation differs from the environment during testing. This paper proposes the software reliability growth model which incorporates periodic service packs, unpredictable patches and operational environment. Based on the proposed model, we derive optimal release time to minimize total cost composed of fixing an error, testing and maintenance. Using numerical examples, optimal release time is determined and illustrated.



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