저수량 배분규칙을 적용한 병렬저수지 용수공급능력 해석

The Capability Analysis of Water Supply for the Parallel Reservoir System by Allocation Rules

  • 박기범 (안동과학대학 건설정보과) ;
  • 지홍기 (영남대학교 건설환경공학부) ;
  • 이순탁 (영남대학교 건설환경공학부)
  • 투고 : 2007.01.19
  • 심사 : 2007.04.11
  • 발행 : 2007.04.15


The purpose of this study was to estimates water supply reliability indices of the water supply by Allocation Rules(AR) for parallel reservoirs. Rule (A) can be considered it as only current storage, Rule(B) can be considered it as current storage and inflow and Rule(C) can be considered it as current storage, inflow and water supply capacity. First, conditions of water supply are divided by Condition I for the monthly constant water supply and Condition II for the monthly varied water supply. Second, results of allocation coefficients are revealed the smallest different at Rule(C). The analysis of water supply showed that the capability of water supply is superior to the Rule(B), it is superior to the Rule(C) on the base of the balance of water supply. The reliability analysis was highly showed at the Rule(B) and Rule(C). A methodology for the analysis of water supply was developed and applied to the parallel reservoir system from this research, The operation rule for the parallel reservoir can be slightly modified and successfully applied to the different kinds of the parallel reservoir system.



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