A Propose of New Classification Indication about Work of Art through Numeric and Multivariate Data Analysis - Focused on the Specialist -

예술작품의 수치화와 다변량분석에 의한 새로운 분류 제안 - 전문가를 중심으로 -

  • Suh, Myung-Ae (Dept. of Industrial Engineering Seokyeong University) ;
  • Ree, Sang-Bok (Dept. of Industrial Engineering Seokyeong University)
  • Published : 2007.12.31


We tried new interpreting about the work of art in this paper. The work of art respects the intention of the artist to make it and interprets intention until now. After critics distinguish by a period, an area that they set to philosophical thought which is the time and interpreted. We set to each one subjectivity and interpreted between artist to make the work of art and appreciator. But in this paper, we tied various criteria which appreciates the work of art. We tried so that we presented the intimacy each other newly. Otherwise we tied with the subjectivity of the individual and are the try to be an objectification low through statistical technique. We looked into the culture and art in the introduction and explain the discussion about the work of art interpreting which the main subject. We set the category 6 area, and explain an each criteria explanation and assessment method. We tried to propose new interpreting as the intimacy to be multi-variate data analysis result of the assessment analysis.



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