Delaunay 삼각화 시 Pole 선택 방법

Pole Selection Method for Delaunay Triangulation

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Presented in the paper is a procedure to reconstruct a triangular mesh from a point cloud. Although, the proposed procedure is based on the well-known Voronoi diagram approach, it introduces a selection method of 'Pole' to improve the quality of resulting mesh. To select the appropriate Poles for high quality of Triangular mesh, the patterns that the Poles affect to the mesh quality are carefully analyzed. It is possible to improve the mesh quality by controlling the selection method of 'Pole' in terms of distance limit. The initial mesh obtained by the proposed procedure may include invalid triangles. To relieve this problem, a slicing method is proposed to remove invalid triangles from the initial mesh. At last, correcting technique of normal vectors of generated mesh is introduced.



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