Generating Pronunciation Lexicon for Continuous Speech Recognition Based on Observation Frequencies of Phonetic Rules

음소변동규칙의 발견빈도에 기반한 음성인식 발음사전 구성

  • 나민수 (서울대학교 대학원 협동과정 인지과학) ;
  • 정민화 (서울대학교 언어학과)
  • Published : 2007.12.30


The pronunciation lexicon of a continuous speech recognition system should contain enough pronunciation variations to be used for building a search space large enough to contain a correct path, whereas the size of the pronunciation lexicon needs to be constrained for effective decoding and lower perplexities. This paper describes a procedure for selecting pronunciation variations to be included in the lexicon based on the frequencies of the corresponding phonetic rules observed in the training corpus. Likelihood of a phonetic rule's application is estimated using the observation frequency of the rule and is used to control the construction of a pronunciation lexicon. Experiments with various pronunciation lexica show that the proposed method is helpful to improve the speech recognition performance.
