재난 환경 이동 로봇 기술 개발

  • 발행 : 2007.12.20




  1. Paul, E. S., 2003, Robot Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices illustrated, McGraw-Hill
  2. Casper, J. and Murphy, R.R., 2003, "Human-robot Interaction during the Robot-Assisted Urban Se,arch and Rescue Response at the World Trade Center," IEEE Trans. On SMC, Vol. 33, No.3 pp. 367-385
  3. http://www.packbot.com
  4. http://www.autonomoussolutions.com
  5. Miyanaka, R., Wada, N., Kamegawa, T., Sato, N., Tsukui, S., Igarashi, H. and Matsuno, E, 2007, "Development of an Unit Type Robot "KORGA2" with Stuck Avoidance Ability" , IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3877-3882
  6. Jeong, K., Kang, J., Lee, G., Lee, S., Seo, Y., Jung, S. and Kim, S., 2006, "A Remotely Operated Robotic System for Urban Search and Rescue, "ICCAS 2006
  7. Shailesh, L., 2004, ''Modeling and Simulation of Steering Systems for Autonomous Vehicles", Dissertation for Master of Science, The Florida State Univ