Redox Equilibrium of Antimony by Square Wave Voltammetry Method in CRT Display Glass Melts

  • Jung, Hyun-Su (Faculty of Materials Science add Nano-Chemical Engineering, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Ki-Dong (Faculty of Materials Science add Nano-Chemical Engineering, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyo-Kwang (Faculty of Materials Science add Nano-Chemical Engineering, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Ho (Faculty of Materials Science add Nano-Chemical Engineering, Kunsan National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.31


Fining and homogenization of melts during batch melting is closely related to the redox reaction of polyvalent element M (M: Sb, As etc), $M^{(x+n)+}+n/2O^{2-}{\rightarrow}M^{x+}+n/4O_2$. In this study, square wave voltammetry (SWV) measurements were performed to examine the redox behavior of an antimony ion in cathode ray tube (CRT) glass melts. According to results, well-separated two peaks are shown at low temperature while only one peak is shown at high temperature in voltammograms, which reveals that redox reaction of antimony consist of two steps: $Sb^{5+}/Sb^{3+}\;and\;Sb^{3+}/Sb^0$, depending on the temperature. Based on the peak potential shown in the voltammogram, the thermodynamic data and the redox ratio for two redox couple were determined.



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피인용 문헌

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