Symbolic Meanings of The TV Commercials for Korean School Uniforms -Focus on CF Since 2000-

국내 교복브랜드 TV 광고에 나타난 상징적 의미 분석 -2000년 이후 광고를 중심으로-

  • Published : 2007.01.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the various signs seen on TV commercials for school uniforms since year 2000, thus uncovering the connotative meanings in them. For this study, the semiotic approach has been used. The signs seen on the TV commercials are separated into linguistic and visual signs. They are found to have symbolic connotations. The results are as follows: First, there are plenty of signs expressing the sense of belonging to the student group and sense of conformity to his or her peer group. They are intended to garner their collective identity in the peer group of teenagers. Second, the TV commercials express the self that is realizing one's value dynamically. The frequent designation of 'I', 'me' and 'myself' represents that I am at the center of the world. Furthermore, the suggestion of diverse student roles beyond mere academic pursuits symbolically shows the ideal self that most teenagers wish to have. Third, the TV commercials implied a commercial ideology. That is expressed in the emphasis on aesthetic value that teenagers can realize their self only by consuming expensive school uniform brands. Forth, there are many signs related to appearance and appearance care. They are expressed with very specific signs such as 3 : 7 proportion, long legs, small face, and so on. Repeating or emphasizing the importance of looks and a certain brand name as the tool to accomplish better looks indicates that it contains the ideology of appearance management.



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