Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
- Volume 16 Issue 2
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- Pages.133-143
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- 2007
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- 2383-5257(pISSN)
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- 2288-6184(eISSN)
Results of Questionnaire: The Korean Society for Microsurgery
대한미세수술학회 설문조사 결과 보고
- Hahn, Hyun-Oun (The Korean Society for Microsurgery) ;
- Chung, Duke-Whan (The Korean Society for Microsurgery) ;
- Kim, Woo-Kyung (The Korean Society for Microsurgery)
- Published : 2007.11.30
For the better success in the society, it is important to collect opinions from members. The progress was slow before because it was hard to collect the opinions from each member. But since we have opened the web site it gets easier to evolve with the society for microsurgery, and expect to have active participations from the members. We make 20 questions in three different groups. The researches are made on participation, development in science council that starting from 2005 October to 2007 June, education on training with member's preference to thesis and individuality and suggestion. Thus we have results following to that research. 1.75% of the members vote for the lecture has to be substantial, and also want the atmosphere of the council to be more sincere. 46.2% of members want the council to be not only exchange information but also the place to experience the social intercourse. 2. When the thesis is present and submitted that will also connect to main society. It will be counted as equal as board thesis, only if the thesis can count in both plastic & reconstructive surgery and orthopedic surgery. Then it will be scored as same as examination of board, and will be a receipt of paper by home page 3. The information-oriented project on our council is slower than what members expected. 100% of members voted yes to online thesis examination, and 66.7% of members voted for preference of web site. We need to make improvements on our web pages as soon as possible such as online payment with credit card. 4. According to the result of questionnaire, our web site helps member's participation in council and eventually become a bridge between members. We hope the questionnaires would help us to develop the council and eventually would help us to society with each other in the council. We also hope this council would be the one that connect all of us in society.