Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
- Volume 16 Issue 2
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- Pages.119-124
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- 2007
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- 2383-5257(pISSN)
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- 2288-6184(eISSN)
Sural Artery Flap for Skin Defect of Lower Legs
비복동맥 피판술을 이용한 하지 피부결손의 치료
- Jin, Jin-Woo (Department of orthopedic surgery, Masan Samsung Hospital, College of medicine, Sungkyunkwan university) ;
- Yoon, Jong-Ho (Department of orthopedic surgery, Masan Samsung Hospital, College of medicine, Sungkyunkwan university) ;
- Jung, Sung-Weon (Department of orthopedic surgery, Masan Samsung Hospital, College of medicine, Sungkyunkwan university) ;
- Paeng, Jung-Wook (Department of orthopedic surgery, Masan Samsung Hospital, College of medicine, Sungkyunkwan university)
- 진진우 (성균관대학교 의과대학 마산삼성병원 정형외과학교실) ;
- 윤종호 (성균관대학교 의과대학 마산삼성병원 정형외과학교실) ;
- 정성원 (성균관대학교 의과대학 마산삼성병원 정형외과학교실) ;
- 팽정욱 (성균관대학교 의과대학 마산삼성병원 정형외과학교실)
- Published : 2007.11.30
Purpose: We reconstructed the skin defect of lower legs exposing muscles, tendons and bone with fasciocutaneous sural artery flap and report our cases. Materials and Methods: Between March 2005 and September 2006, 8 cases of skin defect were reconstructed with fasciocutaneous sural artery flap. Defect site were 4 case of ankle and foot and 4 cases of lower leg. The average defect size was