Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
- Volume 16 Issue 2
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- Pages.93-99
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- 2007
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- 2383-5257(pISSN)
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- 2288-6184(eISSN)
One-stage Reverse Lateral Supramalleolar Adipofascial flap for Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Foot and Ankle Joint
족부 및 족관절 주위 연부조직 재건을 위한 일단계 역행성 외측 과상부 지방근막 피판술
- Kwon, Boo-Kyung (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Chung, Duke-Whan (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Lee, Jae-Hoon (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Choi, Il-Hoen (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Song, Jong-Hoon (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University) ;
- Lee, Sung-Won (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University)
- 권부경 (경희대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실) ;
- 정덕환 (경희대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실) ;
- 이재훈 (경희대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실) ;
- 최일헌 (경희대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실) ;
- 송종훈 (경희대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실) ;
- 이성원 (경희대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실)
- Published : 2007.11.30
Purpose: To report the clinical results and efficacies of one stage reverse lateral supramalleolar adipofascial flap for soft tissue reconstruction of the foot and ankle joint. Material and Methods: We performed 5 cases of one stage reverse lateral supramalleolar adipofascial flap from Jan 2005 to Sept 2005. All patients were males and mean age was 50(36~59) years old. The causes of soft tissue defects were 1 diabetic foot, 2 crushing injuries of the foot, 1 open fracture of the calcaneus, and 1 chronic osteomyelitis of the medial cuneiform bone. Average size of the flap was 3.6(3~4)