성남시 독거 노인의 맞춤형 영양 처방 음식 제공 프로그램 효과 연구

The Effects of Nutrition Evaluation Related to Suitable Food Supply Program for Elders Living Alone in Sung Nam City

  • 추수경 (을지대학교 간호학과) ;
  • 강남이 (을지대학교 식품영양학부) ;
  • 이승훈 (을지대학교 식품영양학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


The nutritional status and chronic disease occurrence of the elderly living in local areas is affected by certain factors, including low energy intakes, low food diversity, poor nutritional quality and living alone. Moreover, elderly people who live alone may have low incomes and be socially isolated. Thus, we have provided them adjustable and balanced menus using standard recipes. In this study, we investigated aspects of nutritional status and living conditions in the elderly status, in relation to food, activities of daily living(ADL), nutrition risk index, average intake of calories and nutrients, the mini dietary assessment index score, depression score, menu satisfaction, menu demand, satisfaction with menu offerings. The result indicated significant nutritional improvements by providing menus to the elders and suggest that by providing adjustable and balanced menus using standard recipes, the nutritional status of isolated elders can be changed and improved.



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