어린이도서관에 있어서 이용자요구특성과 공간구성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Spatial Planning and the Characteristics of User's Need in the Children's Library

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


This study investigates the mutual effects of the physical environment and the characteristics of user's need in the children's libraries of open plan type. The children's library as a flexible space should accept user's diverse needs. Especially, Children express more positive and diverse behaviors than adults in physical environment. As the design information obtained from observation of children's behaviors are put to architectural design, the more affluent environment in which children can do positive behaviors can be made. We used two research methods of the behavior observation and interview for the children's library, and could formulate various using actions through the behavior setting observation for using library. A relational description for reading environment in this study, based on the affordance and the behavior setting theories, provided us with rich accounts for the psychological and sociocultural resources in the children's library. Consequently, the following results can be summarized. First, children need territories for family use and for place and are using library effectively through taking the two territories. Second, the zoning according to age category should be done, as behavior patterns were observed differently according to age. Third, the space composition with openness should be designed, as children need social relation and learning through imitation and observation.



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