A Study on the Spatial Characteristics of the Multi-housing Units in Seoul and Kyung-gi Area - Focused on the Unit Size of over $165m^2$-

최근 분양된 수도권 공동주택 단위세대의 공간계획 특성에 관한 연구 - 전용면적 $165m^2$ 이상의 대형규모를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2007.12.31


The purpose of this study is to find out the spatial characteristics of the multi-housing units in Seoul and Kyung-gi area since 2006. Literature review and content analysis were used for this study and 82units of the big size over $165m^2$ were analyzed to review such design characteristics as spatial composition, layout and linkage. Through this study, the following conclusions have been reached; 1) Most unit plans had 4LDK and 3bath types including family room as a public space. This results shows that family-room and bathroom has recently become more important than number of rooms in multi-housing units planning. 2) Diversity of plan figures such as mass-mixing, mass-separation and polygons(L, V-type)was showed in most unit plan, breaking from the standardized forms of box types. 3) Intermediated spaces such as foyers and halls in entrance zone were planned and sub-entrance into kitchen were planned for the various types of circulation and work-efficiency. Cases had private space separated from public space, the dispersion of rooms with the increase of connection by corridors, L-DK meaning the living room isolated from the dining and kitchen, partially located living room for a view in area distribution. The spatial planning of master-zone mostly consists of the types of two-rooms and an entry into a foyer(library, dress-powder room, bathroom and master bedroom). This study has a significant meaning on grasping current trend in Korean multi-housing and to provide information for future direction on housing-unit design.



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