일부 성인남녀의 채소 섭취량에 따른 혈중 지질 및 혈압에 관한 연구

A Study on Blood Lipids and Blood Pressure of Adult Men and Women According to Vegetable Intake

  • 최미경 (청운대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 배윤정 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Choi, Mi-Kyeong (Dept. of Human Nutrition & Food Science, Chungwoon University) ;
  • Bae, Yun-Jung (Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


It has been suggested that vegetables protect the cardiovascular system in part by attenuating blood pressure. The purpose of the present research was to examine blood lipids according to vegetable intakes. Anthropometric measurements, blood pressures, nutrient intakes using the 24-hour recall method, and serum lipids of <50th percentile vegetable intake group (<50th percentile VIG; men=66, women=111) and ${\ge}50th$ percentile vegetable intake group (${\ge}50th$ percentile VIG; men=83, women=94) were estimated. The average age, height, and BMI were 54.7 years, 158.2 cm, 62.2 kg, and $24.9kg/m^2$ for <50th percentile VIG and 53.7 years, 159.6 cm, 63.0 kg, and $24.7kg/m^2$ for ${\ge}50th$ percentile VIG, respectively. The daily food intake of the ${\ge}50th$ percentile VIG was significantly higher than that of the <50th percentile VIG (p<0.001). Also, daily intakes of cereals (p<0.001), legumes (p<0.05), nuts (p<0.05), vegetables (p<0.001), and fruits (p<0.05) of the ${\ge}50th$ percentile VIG were significantly higher than those of the <50th percentile VIG. The daily energy intakes of ${\ge}50th$ percentile VIG and <50th percentile VIG were 1342.7 kcal and 1782.0 kcal (p<0.001), and most nutrient intakes of the ${\ge}50th$ percentile VIG was significantly higher than that of the <50th percentile VIG. Serum cholesterol of the ${\ge}50th$ percentile VIG were significantly lower than that of the <50th percentile VIG (p<0.01). Also, vegetable intake showed significantly negative correlations with total cholesterol (p<0.05) and LDL-cholesterol (p<0.05). Based on these results, it should be emphasized that increase of vegetable intake improves the blood lipid profile.



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