Effect of Cow Manure and Saw Dust as the Additive Materials for Efficient Vermistabilization

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


The influence of additive materials including saw dust and cow manure in the ripening of leather sludge for the efficient vermisabilization was studied. The ripening characteristics of the leather sludge, the growth of earthworms in the growth bed and the by-products like cast were observed according to the mixing ratio of additive materials. When the mixed leather sludge of which the additive materials contents were over 20% were ripened for 50 days, the values of ORP and alkalinity were changed to the favorable ranges for earthworms, the positive (+) and below 1,000 mg/l as $CaCO_3$, respectively. The velocity of ripening improving the characteristics of the leather sludge was faster in the sludge mixed with cow manure than saw dust. This results could also be verified from the monitoring of the states of earthworm growth using the survival rate, the increase rate of lifeweight and the hatching rate of earthworm cocoon in the their growth bed packed with the ripened sludge. The values of CEC in cast, the vermi-stabilized sludge, were increased with the mixing ratio of additive materials, but the content of heavy metals was drcreased by the dilution effect and accumulation in the earthworm body. Above results show that the leather sludge might be efficiently stabilized by earthworms through the ripening for 50 days using additive materials. Cow manure can be used as a good additive materials for leather sludge as much as saw dust, and the optimum content of additive materials in the well-ripened leather sludge was about 30%.



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