묘사분석에 의한 기능성쌀밥 및 즉석밥의 관능프로필

Sensory Profiles of Cooked Rice, Including Functional Rice and Ready-to-Eat Rice by Descriptive Analysis

  • 김동희 (수원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김희섭 (수원대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Kim, Dong-Hee (Department of Food Nutrition, University of Suwon) ;
  • Kim, Hee-Sup (Department of Food Nutrition, University of Suwon)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


The purpose of this study was to provide the sensory profiles for cooked rice varieties, with 3 types of functional rice and 4 types of ready -to -eat rice, using descriptive analysis. Eighteen descriptors as well as reference standards were developed. The cooked functional rice, ready-to-eat rice, and plain cooked rice were separated into 4 groups by PCA. PC1 & PC2 explained 65% of the total valiance. PC 1 was responsible for the highest percentage of separation based on the texture intensities. The cooked functional rice showed higher intensity for hardness and roughness. The ready-to-eat rice A, B, and C samples had higher intensities in terms of moistness, glossiness, and moisture content, as well as sour and raw rice flavor. The ready-to-eat rice D sample had low grain wholesomeness, and high intensity for raw rice flavor. Finally, the plain cooked rice had more roasted and burnt rice flavor.



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