17세기 이전 조선시대 찬물류(饌物類)의 문헌적 고찰

An Investigation of Side-dishes found in Korean Literatures before the 17th Century

  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


In this study, we investigated e kinds and names of side dishes along with their recipes and ingredients occuring in Korean cookbooks published before the 17th century. The side dishes were classified 79 kinds of Guk, 23 kinds of Jjim and Seon, 15 kinds of Gui, 3 kinds of Jeon, 7 kinds of Nureumi, 3 kinds of Bokkeum, 30 kinds of Chae, 11 kinds of Hoe, 7 kinds of Jwaban, 6 kinds of Mareunchan, 12 kinds of Pyeonyuk and 5 kinds of Jeonyak, Jokpyeon and Sundae. The earliest records were found on Guk, Jjim, Jwaban, Po and Pyeonyuk Gui, Namul and Hoe were recorded after the 1500's and Nureumi, Jeon, Jeonyak, Jokpyeon and Sundae were developed relatively late in the late 17th century. As to the kinds of side dishes, Guk was the most common. Guks cooked before the 17th century used different recipes and more types of ingredients than today, including some that are not used today. For Jjim, various seasonings were added to main ingredients such as poultry, meat, seafood and vegetable. Most of the records found for Jjim used chicken as the main ingredient. Gui was recorded as Jeok or Gui and there weren't many ingredients for Gui before the 17th century. Gui was usually seasoned with salt or soy bean sauce and broiled after applying oil. Vegetables were broiled after a applying flour-based sauce. The Jeon cooked at that time was different from the one that is cooked today in that cow organs or sparrows were soaked in oily soy bean sauce before being stewed. Nureumi, which was popular in the 17th century, but rarely made today, was a recipe consisting of adding a flour or starch-based sauce to stewed or broiled main ingredients. Chae was a side dish prepared with edible plants, tree sprouts or leaves. Chaes like Donga and Doraji were colored with Mandrami or Muroo. Hoe was a boiled Hoe and served after boiling seafood. Jwaban was cooked by applying oil to and then broiling sparrows, dudeok, and mushrooms that had been seasoned and dried. For dried Chans, beef or fish was thin-sliced, seasoned and dried or sea tangle was broiled with pine nuts juice. There are some recipes from the 17th century whose names are gone or the recipes or ingredients have changed. Thus we must to try to rebuild three recipes and develop recipes using our own foods of today.



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