The Variation of Residual Sulfur Dioxide and Marker Components of Herbal Medicines during Drying Process

건조방법에 따른 한약재 중 이산화황 잔류량 및 지표성분 변화

  • Oh, Chang-Hwan (Department of Oriental Medical Food and Nutrition, Semyung University) ;
  • Seo, Dong-Won (Korea Food Research Institute) ;
  • Yook, Chang-Soo (College of Pharmacy, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Lee, Young-Jong (College of Oriental Medicine, Kyungwon University) ;
  • Chang, Seung-Yeup (Department of Herbal medicine Evaluation, Korea Food and Drug Administration) ;
  • Ze, Keum-Ryon (Department of Herbal medicine Evaluation, Korea Food and Drug Administration) ;
  • Park, Ju-Young (Department of Herbal medicine Evaluation, Korea Food and Drug Administration) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Pill (Department of Herbal medicine Evaluation, Korea Food and Drug Administration) ;
  • Seong, Rack-Seon (Department of Herbal medicine Evaluation, Korea Food and Drug Administration) ;
  • Park, Ji-Yong (Department of Biotechnology, Yonsei University) ;
  • Ko, Sung-Kwon (Department of Oriental Medical Food and Nutrition, Semyung University) ;
  • Lee, Pyeong-Jae (Department of Natural Medicine Resources, Semyung University)
  • 오창환 (세명대학교 한방식품영양학부) ;
  • 서동원 (한국식품연구원) ;
  • 육창수 (경희대학교 약학대학 한약학과) ;
  • 이영종 (경원대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 장승엽 (식품의약품안전청 생약평가부) ;
  • 제금련 (식품의약품안전청 생약평가부) ;
  • 박주영 (식품의약품안전청 생약평가부) ;
  • 이종필 (식품의약품안전청 생약평가부) ;
  • 성락선 (식품의약품안전청 생약평가부) ;
  • 박지용 (연세대학교 생명공학과) ;
  • 고성권 (세명대학교 한방식품영양학부) ;
  • 이평재 (세명대학교 자연약재과학과)
  • Published : 2007.12.31


The residual sulfur dioxide in the five herbal medicines dried with burning bituminous coal for 9 hours showed from 339 (Glycyrrhizae Radix) to 1,138 mg/kg (Zingiberis Rhizoma) measured right after drying. The residual sulfur dioxide, from 70.1 to 95.5%, was remained in the above five matrices even after 30 days passed. The marker components concentration in above five herbal medicines like glycyrrhizic acid, betaine et al., were almost same after drying in oven and with burning bituminous coal.



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