Epicardial Repair of Acute Atrioventricular Groove Disruption Complicating Mitral Valve Replacement - A case report -

승모판막치환술 후 발생한 급성 제1형 좌심실 파열에 대한 심외막적 봉합 - 1예 보고 -

  • Cho, Kwang-Ree (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Kang, Jae-Geul (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Jin, Sung-Hoon (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Halla General Hospital)
  • Published : 2007.12.05


A left ventricular rupture might be one of the most disastrous complications after a mitral valve replacement. An acute atrioventricular groove rupture (type I) was detected in a 54-year-old female diagnosed with a mitral stenosis combined with severe tricuspid regurgitation. She had a prior medical history of an open mitral commissurotomy in Japan at 30 years ago. The surgical findings suggested that the previous procedure was not a simple commissurotomy but a commissurotomy combined with a posteromedial annuloplasty procedure. After a successful mitral valve replacement and a measured (De Vega type) tricuspid annuloplasty, the weaning from a cardiopulmonary bypass was uneventful. However, copious intraoperative bleeding from the posterior wall was detected and the cardiopulmonary bypass was restarted. Exposure of the posterior wall of the left ventricle showed bleeding from the atrioventricular groove 3 cm lateral to the left atrial auricle. Under the impression of a Type I left ventricular rupture, epicardial repair (primary repair of the Teflon felt pledgetted suture, continuous sealing suture using auto-pericardial patch and application of fibrin-sealant) was attempted. Successful local control was made and the patient recovered uneventfully. The patient was discharged at 14 postoperative days without complications. We report this successful epicardial repair of an acute type I left ventricular rupture after mitral valve replacement.

승모판막 치환술 후 발생하는 좌심실파열은 치명적인 합병증이다. 30년 전 국외에서 승모판막에 대한 수술을 받은 병력이 있는 54세 여자 환자가 심한 승모판막 협착증과 심한 삼첨판막 폐쇄부전을 주소로 내원하여 승모판막 치환술 및 삼첨판막륜 성형술을 시행받았다. 심폐기 이탈 후 수술장 내에서 발생한 대량출혈로 심폐기 재가동 상태에서 평가한 결과 좌심방으로부터 3 cm 후방부위의 방실 골짜기에서 발생한 급성 제I형 좌심실 파열로 진단하고 심외막 접근법으로 테프론 펠트를 이용한 일차 봉합술, 심막첨포를 이용한 밀봉 봉합술 및 피브린 접착제를 적용하여 성공적으로 봉합하였으며 환자는 수술 14일째 합병증 없이 퇴원하였다. 이에 승모판막 치환술 후 발생하는 제I형 좌심실 파열에 대한 문헌고찰과 함께 증례를 보고하고자 한다.



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