이국적(exotic) 이미지의 유형 확장 -2001년~2006년 국내 여성복을 중심으로-

The Expanding of Types of Exotic Image -Focusing on the Domestic Women's Wear from 2001 to 2006-

  • 이미연 (우송정보대학 패션스타일디자인과)
  • Lee, Mi-Yoen (Dept. Fashion Style & Design, Woo-Song Information College)
  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


This study is to define correctly the concept of exotic image that evolved in domestic fashion since 2001 and to analyze the characteristics and current tendency of the domestic fashion items of the exotic image. Thus this study will be helpful in establishing an academic field of the exotic image in the domestic fashion industry which can offer the ideas necessary for the style and item developments. As for the research method of this study, the frequency and content multi-dimensional analysis were used in the investigation of the exotic images appearing in the domestic fashion brands. The types of exotic image are #ecological#, #folk & ethnic costume#, #kitchy bricolage#, #womanish#, #period# types by analyzed with the elements of exotic images in the domestic women#s fashion brand. The exotic image in domestic fashion market in the middle of 2000s is the results of fusion phenomena among various trend styles, and through the compromise and mixture of different elements, exaggerations, and historically different times of old and new. In conclusion, the contemporary concept of exotic image is expanded by the sum of many contributing images. They are the folk ethnic costume image originating from various different cultures and also the fusion images of folk ethnic costumes from non-urban, not-modern, not-industrialized images compromised with unfamiliar codes.



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