Effects of Selenium(Se) on Growth and Se Content of Mungbean

셀레늄 시용에 따른 녹두 생육 및 Se 함량 변화

  • Kim, Dong-Kwan (Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Jung, Byung-Joon (Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Son, Dong-Mo (Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Chon, Sang-Uk (Callus Ltd. Co., TBI Center, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Kyung-Dong (Department of Oriental Medicine Materials, Dongshin University) ;
  • Kim, Kwan-Su (Department of Medicinal Plant Resources, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Rim, Yo-Sup (School of Environmental and Agricultural Science, Sunchon National University)
  • Published : 2007.10.30


This study examined the effective treatment method of selenium and translocation characteristics of selenium in order to produce mungbean containing selenium. The foliar application of selenium at 3.5, 7, 14, and $28mg/{\ell}$ during the flowering period, yielded a relatively high record of seeds containing $0.41{\sim}3.96mg/kg$ and $0.27{\sim}2.38mg/kg$ of selenium, from the first and second harvesting. However, seeds from the first harvesting contained $52{\sim}71%$ more selenium than the seeds from the second harvesting. On the other hand, seeds from first and second harvesting of the non-treatment group had the same amount of selenium at 0.02mg/kg only. When the foliar application of selenium at $7mg/{\ell}$ was conducted two or three times, seeds from the first to third harvesting contained just the equal amount of selenium. However, when it was conducted only once, seeds from the first harvesting contained 56% and 67% more than seeds from the second and third harvesting, respectively. In seeds of mungbean containing 2.05mg/kg of selenium, cotyledon had 2.99mg/kg of selenium, which was 38% more than seed coat per unit weight. When mungbean sprout was produced, selenium content was 5.51mg/kg, but seed coats by-product of sprouts had 0.78mg/kg of selenium. The growth and quantity of mungbean was not significantly different according to the concentration and the frequency of foliar application of selenium used for in study.

본 연구는 셀레늄 함유 녹두 생산을 위해 셀레늄의 효과적인 처리방법과 이행특성 등을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 1. 셀레늄 3.5, 7, 14, $28mg/{\ell}$ 를 개화기에 엽면살포구 1, 2차 수확 종실의 셀레늄 함량은 각각 $0.41{\sim}3.96mg/kg$, $0.27{\sim}2.38mg/kg$로 엽면살포 농도에 비례하여 많았으나 1차 수확 종실이 2차 수확 종실에 비해 $52{\sim}71%$ 많았다. 반면에 무처리구 1, 2차 수확 종실의 셀레늄 함량은 모두 0.02mg/kg로 같아 함량이 매우 적었다. 2. 셀레늄($7mg/{\ell}$) 2회나 3회 엽면살포구 $1{\sim}3$차 수확 종실의 셀레늄 함량은 균일한 반면 1회 엽면살포구는 1차 수확 종실의 셀레늄 함량이 2, 3차 수확종실에 비해 각각 56, 67%많았다. 3. 셀레늄 2.05mg/kg이 함유된 녹두 종실에서 자엽의 셀레늄 함량은 2.99mg/kg으로 종피보다 단위 중량당 38% 많고, 녹두나 물을 생산하였을 경우 셀레늄 함량은 5.51mg/kg인 반면 나물 부산물인 종피는 0.78mg/kg 이었다. 4. 본 연구에 이용된 셀레늄의 엽면살포 농도 및 횟수에 따른 녹두 생육과 수량은 유의차가 없었다.



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