Purpose: This study was to examine nursing values and attitudes toward nursing professions after fundamental nursing practice education. Method: The participants were 166 first-year students. Values and professional attitude were measured. Results: Nursing values increased to 4.49(${\pm}.42$) after 1st semester and 4.64(${\pm}.35$) after 2nd semester from 4.32(${\pm}.47$) before the education(t=7.71, p= .000). Nursing professional attitude also increased to 3.95(${\pm}.49$) after 1st semester and 4.20(${\pm}.45$) after 2nd semester(t=9.1, p= .000). While voluntary applicants have showed a significant difference in nursing values since they started college education(t=3.34, p=.001), partially voluntarily applicants showed after finishing the 1st semester(t=-3.02, p=.002). Regarding nursing professional attitude of voluntary applicants, there was a significant difference between starting college education(t=2.35, p=.020) and finishing the 1st semester(t=-2.66, p= .008). Interest in fundamental nursing practice had a significant correlation with satisfaction(r=.301, p=.000) and nursing values(r=.163, p=.035). Nursing values had a significant correlation with nursing professional attitude(r=.590, p=.000). Conclusion: The fundamental nursing practice is effective in changing nursing values and nursing professional attitude in students taking the course.