20-40대(代) 여성(女性)의 외모관심도(外貌觀心度)에 따른 외모관리행동(外貌管理行動)

A Research of Apperance-mnagement Bhavior in 20-40's women according to Degree of Apperance Concern

  • 김성남 (서경대학교 미용의상학과) ;
  • 이경숙 (서경대학교 미용의대학교)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


This study is to research how women aging from 20 through 40 Apperance -Mnagement Bhavior and care of their outer looks from a beauty treatment perspective. This research should help satisfy the wants of women who are the main clients of the beauty products and help the beauty industry to produce new products and also to help out on their marketing strategy. In order to search the general characteristics of our target women, Frequency Analysis was used, to find out the sub-factor of interest in beauty Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis was used. In order to divide the group according to Degree of Apperance Concern 'sub-factor, cluster analysis, analysis of variance, Scheffe'-test, $X^2-test$ was used, and to find out the difference on how they care of beauty analysis of variance was used, and further more to summarize the result of analysis of variance Scheffe'-test was used. As a result, in all different ways of beauty caring, weight resisting, skin care and plastic surgery summed up similarly among the self-care group, hair care ended up with similar results among all three groups: self-caring group, no interest in beauty at all group, and the too conscious of other eyes group, and results on the interest rate of clothing ended up similarly among the other-eye conscious group, beauty care interest group, and the self-care group.



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