파워워킹과 일반보행의 운동학적 및 EMG 비교분석

The Comparative Analysis of Kinematic And Emg on Power Walking and Normal Gait

  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


The purpose of this study of which 10 University students in their twenties are the objects was to examine the causal differences of kinematic and electromyography during power walking and normal gait. We came to the following conclusions. 1) It took less time to stance phase, swing phase and whole gait time during power walking compared with normal gait. 2) During power walking, the step length and step length and lower limb length are longer than that of normal gait. 3) During power walking, ankle joint angle became more plantar flexed at LIC and RTO, knee joint angle become more flexed, so did hip joint angle at LIC and RTO. Besides during power walking the shoulder joint angle movement was bigger and elbow joint angle was more flexed as the trait of power walking. 4) During power walking, through out the phase the muscle activity of all muscle was higher expecially the muscle activity of Biceps brachii, gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis, Soleus was higher. Therefore during power walking, one's scope of activity and muscle activity is relatively higher than those of normal gait, so power walking helps one strengthen muscular power and energy metabolism. This will be useful information for those who are interested in diet and well-being.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The Comparative Analysis of EMG Depending on Variations of Speed in Forward Walking and Backward Walking vol.17, pp.3, 2007,