신.구형도마에서 1/1Turn, Tucked 기술수행 시 운동학적 분석

Comparative Analysis of Kinematics Factors in Performing Techniques of 1/1Turn, Stretched, and Tucked on the Old Vaulting Horse and the New Vaulting Table

  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


The aim of this study was to find out the differences of Kinematics factors from touching down the vaulting board to landing when techniques of 1/1Turn and Tucked were performed on the old vaulting horse and on the new vaulting table. Three national representative men gymnasts were sampled for this study. Three dimension motion analyses by means of six Sony PD-150 video cameras with the velocity of 60 fps were used As a result of analyzing the kinematic data from two kind of vaulting table, the following conclusions were made. 1. The performing time from taking off the vaulting horse to landing(phase 4) in the 1/1 Turn technique on the new vaulting table was significantly longer than that of the old vaulting horse, while the time from contacting to taking off the vaulting horse on the new vaulting table was shorter than that of the old vaulting horse in both and the Tucked techniques. 2. The vertical release COG velocity was faster on the new vaulting table compare to the old vaulting horse in the all kind technique. However the horizontal release COG velocity of the 1/1 Turn technique was faster a little in the old vaulting horse compare to the new vaulting table.



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