The purposes of this study were to analyze and compare EMG activities of the pectoralis major, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, and brachioradialis muscles during biceps curls using a VRT device and an elastic tubing. Fifteen male college students were recruited as subjects and they performed 10-RM and 20-RM biceps curls. For each load and device condition, the mean and peak normalized EMG levels during different phases of a biceps curl were computed. For each load and phase, paired t-test (p.05) was used to find the significant difference between two devices. ANOVA with repeated measures was also used to find the significant difference among phases in terms of EMG values for each muscle. For each load and device condition, the peak and mean EMG levels during different phases of a biceps curl were computed The significant differences between devices were found in biceps brachii for EA, MD, LD phases, and triceps brachii muscles for all phases, respectively. However, no differences were found among phases for any muscle. This indicated that elastic band could have a similar characteristics of VRT. High antagonistic muscle activity as a function of injury prevention which found particularly in VRT device may suggest that elastic tubing can be a safer training device than VRT. This also imply that elastic tubing could be very effective as a home exercise tool for rehabilitation patients and elderly people.