The purpose of this paper is to diagnose the errors by comparing putting motion with the single pendulum pattern applicable to putting in golf skill and order prescription that correct errors of putting. In the modern-day game of golf, putting remains the key to shooting low scores, and the ability to hole putts can turn a good round into a great round A semi-golfer, subject(sex female, age 20yrs, mass 94.3kg, height 1.65m) who has troubles to do putting is chosen. Six cameras, ProReflex MCU240(240Hz) made by Qualisys company is used to capture putting motion and data is processed by QTM(Qualisys Track Manager) and Mathematica 5.0. The result that differentiates the putting and the single pendulum pattern is acquired To make the pattern of subject's putting to the single pendulum pattern quasi-equal, one tries to lower center of mass gradually. As a result of it, one has a similar pattern like the single pendulum Conclusively, to lower C.O.M one orders prescriptions that increase the weight and length of a putter and lower C.O.M subject's segment. Further improvements to the study could be to train a subject according to prescriptions and to monitor putting again. It will probably be necessary to simulate putting motions and to research relations for body shapes and putting patterns in order to establish suitable putting-motions.