초등학교 2학년 학생의 곱셈적 사고에 관한 연구

A Study on the Multiplicative Thinking of 2nd Grade Elementary Students

  • 발행 : 2006.09.01


2학년 학생들의 곱셈적 사고를 조사하여 공통적인 특성과 덧셈적으로 사고할 수 있는 학생과 곱셈적으로 사고할 수 있는 학생들의 차이점을 알아본 결과는 다음과 같았다. 곱셈적 사고를 하는 2학년 학생들은 '곱하기', '몇 개씩 몇 묶음' 등의 곱셈을 나타내는 용어를 사용하여 곱셈으로 문제를 해결하였다. 또한 곱셈적 사고를 하는 학생과 덧셈적 사고를 하는 학생으로 분류할 수 있었는데 가장 하위의 사고를 하는 학생은 모든 문제를 덧셈으로 해결하였고 가장 상위의 사고를 하는 학생은 모든 문제를 곱셈으로 해결하고 부분-전체 사고가 완전하였다.

The purpose of this study was to study the 2nd grade elementary students' common thinking and differences of additive and multiplicative thinking. For meaningful discussion of the above, we have established the following research questions. 1. What are the properties of the multiplicative thinking of 2nd grade elementary students? - What are the common properties of the multiplicative thinking of 2nd grade elementary students? - What are the properties of the various multiplicative thinking levels? 2. How is multiplicative thinking presented in Korean math textbooks? The conclusions of this study were followings: First, the 2nd grade elementary students in the multiplicative thinking learnt used by translating multiplication into specific situations. And they often used different models of multiplication. Second, additive thinking developed into the multiplicative thinking. After being helped by their teachers, students who thought additively were then able to think multiplicatively. Whereas after being helped by their teachers, students who were already competent at multiplicative thinking gained a deeper understanding. Third, they learned the commutative property of multiplication after their understanding of the 'repeated addition approach' and the multiplicative approach was sufficiently reinforced. Last, students should be taught using different models based on the repeated addition approach.
