가족자원경영과 정책 (Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review)
- 제10권3호
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- Pages.149-169
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- 2006
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- 1738-0391(pISSN)
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- 2713-9662(eISSN)
인터넷쇼핑몰 관련 소비자 피해에 관한 대응행동 -패션상품 구매를 중심으로-
Research for the Consumer's Damage in Internet Shopping Mall -Fashion Goods on Internet Shopping Mall-
- 장현선 (성균관대학교 가족경영소비자학과)
- Chang, Hyun-Sun (Dept of Family Life Management and Consumer Studies, Sungkyunkwan University)
- 발행 : 2006.08.01
As e-commerce is expanding rapidly, the consumer's damage in the e-commerce is also dramatically increased. This research was mainly focused on the consumer's damage experiences through the e-commerce, the consumer's behavior's when they were confronted with troubles, and the way to handle their damages in the e-commerce. This research was made with the intention of not only supplying the academic data on the consumer's damage but also understanding the consumer's basic behavior patterns in e-commerce. This research was supported by the surveys conducted to consumers who had previously experienced fashion e-commerce. Total 1230 questionnaires out of returned questionnaires were sampled for the final analysis. Main findings are as follows. 1) More than 90% of respondents answered that they had experienced troubles 2) Most consumers did complain their damages actively and tried to obtain proper cure from the seller.