중년여성의 사회적관계망과 실버타운 선호도 연구

A Research on the Social Relation Network of Middle-aged Women and Preference for Silver Town

  • 하춘광 (경남대학교 실버산업복지학과)
  • Ha, Choon-Kwang (Dept. of Silver Industry & Welfare, Kyungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


The objective of this research is to analyze how main social relation network of middle-aged women such as family, friends and neighbors, etc affects the preference for silver town. For this objective, structured questionnaires were distributed to 309 middle-aged women at the age of 40-59 years old living in Seoul and new cities of metropolitan area. Statistics such as ANOVA, Pearson Coefficient and Multiple Regression were adopted for statistical analysis. The main result of this research is as follows: First, housewives showed higher preference for silver town than people involved in other occupations. Second, though the relation of friends and neighbors among the social relation network of middle-aged women affected the preference for silver town, that of family did not affect significantly. The result of this research suggests that it is necessary to adopt policy considering the relation of friends and neighbors among the social relation network of middle-aged women so as to activate silver town.
