자원 순환형 학교 폐기물 관리 방안 연구

A Study of the Resource-Recycling Waste Management at Schools

  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


A 'Resource recycling society' is the common goal to reduce environmental impact from human activities and to conserve natural resources. The Resource-Recycling Waste Management is necessary to explicitly show objectives, and to evaluate the achievement level gained by school administration. In this paper, focusing on resource-recycling school waste management, three indicators are designed to evaluate the present conditions of school waste management, which include evaluation of school policy, waste management and education for waste management by school administration. Each indicator is made up of three or four questions that are supposed to be answered by school managers, teachers and students. Questionnaire surveys, which is based on the resource-recycling school waste management indicators, were carried out in elementary school, middle school and high school in the National Capital region. The resulting of indicators well describe the situation of school waste management among these schools. Influential strategies towards resource-recycling school waste management have been found in analysis.
