동사 어휘의미망의 반자동 구축을 위한 사전정의문의 중심어 추출

The Extraction of Head words in Definition for Construction of a Semi-automatic Lexical-semantic Network of Verbs

  • 김혜경 (부산대학교 인지과학협동과정) ;
  • 윤애선 (부산대학교 불어불문학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Recently, there has been a surge of interests concerning the construction and utilization of a Korean thesaurus. In this paper, a semi-automatic method for generating a lexical-semantic network of Korean '-ha' verbs is presented through an analysis of the lexical definitions of these verbs. Initially, through the use of several tools that can filter out and coordinate lexical data, pairs constituting a word and a definition were prepared for treatment in a subsequent step. While inspecting the various definitions of each verb, we extracted and coordinated the head words from the sentences that constitute the definition of each word. These words are thought to be the main conceptual words that represent the sense of the current verb. Using these head words and related information, this paper shows that the creation of a thesaurus could be achieved without any difficulty in a semi-automatic fashion.
