중년남성의 분노, 심혈관 건강과 우울의 관계: 사회적지지의 매개효과

Anger, Cardiovascular Health and Depression in Middle-aged Korean Men: the Mediating Effect of Social Support

  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


Purpose: A descriptive correlational study was designed to examine the relationship of trait anger and anger expression to blood pressure, cholesterol, and depression in middle-aged Korean men. In addition, this study investigated the mediating effect of social support in relation to anger and other variables. Methods: Two hundred and ninety nine men aged 40 to 64 years were recruited from a health center at K University Hospital located in Ansan City, Kyungki province, Korea. The instruments used were Spielberger's state trait anger expression inventory-the Korean version for trait anger and anger expression, Beck's depression inventory for depression, and a Personal resource questionnaire for perceived social support. Results: Men with high trait anger showed significantly higher systolic blood pressure(BP) and diastolic BP The level of cholesterol did not have a significant relationship with trait anger and anger expression. The severity of depression was significantly higher in men with high trait anger or more frequent uses of anger-in or anger-out. The perceived social support had a significant mediating effect in relation to trait anger and depression. Conclusions: Various nursing interventions for managing anger or improving social support need to be developed in a future study.



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